Our Philosophy


The first 5 years of life are critical in a child’s development, yet formal schooling in the United States does not begin until five years of age.  During these formative years, children develop many of the basic learning patterns and abilities that they will build upon for the rest of their lives. At Young Leaders Learning Center (YLLC) we strive to expose the children at an early age to knowledge.  This is the basic building block that helps ensure success later in life.  Research astonishingly shows that prediction of children’s reading proficiency in the third grade could be made from their language skills at age 2. Therefore, our program is available to all ages prior to Kindergarten and we use a scientifically based reading research to guide our instructional choices.  Our instruction will include a heavy emphasis on the five components of reading: phonemic awareness, phonics, comprehension, fluency, and vocabulary for the older children while fostering the whole child and encouraging positive interactions through play.  Evidence from multiple studies have shown that early book reading and shared reading interventions have a positive effect on later vocabulary and school readiness. Perhaps most important, we will show every effort to connect the home and school through parent communication and involvement.  When you visit Young Leaders Learning Center you will know your child is having fun while learning because they will LOVE our center and so will you!